News & projects

Quick Release Hooks order completed

At the end of last year, Straatman received a great order from a leading French civil contractor for the supply, commissioning and start-up of twenty four double 75 T Quick Release Mooring units which will be installed on three newly constructed ferry berths in Calais, France.

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Straatman accepts order for Solar powered lighting poles

We are happy to announce that we accepted an order for the design, production and supply of 36 autonomous Solar powered lighting poles for the waiting area of a port in the south of the Netherlands.

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Our testing machine: ensuring safety and quality [with video]

On our website and on our blogs, we often mention our testing machine. And with good reason, because we believe that this machine is a crucial part of our production process. Our team tests every hook extensively, so we can guarantee that our clients purchase machines that they can rely on for 100%. But how does this testing process work, and what do we focus on? You will know when you read this blog and watch the video!

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Quick Release Hooks and Berthing Aid System Pengerang

This week we completed an internal FAT of a Phase 3 jetty system to be installed at a huge bunkering port, situated in the Malaysian Pengerang area. The testing included Quick Release Mooring Hooks equipped with 15 kW capstans and manual/remote release functions. One jetty has mooring load monitoring (MLM), infrared laser based ship berthing aid (BAS) and environmental sensors (EMS).

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Press release: Green berthing area for Port of Hamburg

A newly-built berthing area in the Elbe River is powered by nineteen solar panels. The panels provide power to quick-release mooring hook units with integrated capstans. Following the Port of Rotterdam, the Port of Hamburg is the second major port to opt for this sustainable solution.

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Successful commissioning at Alfa Terminal in Poland

As soon as the borders opened again, our engineers started the commissioning of the Quick Release Mooring Hooks and Berthing Aid System at the Alfa Terminal. This terminal, located in Szczecin in Poland, is specialized in trans-shipment and storage of bulk cargo and liquid chemical cargo.

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Port of Amsterdam signs Straatman maintenance contract

In 2019 we finished commissioning the project for Solar Power Systems and Quick Release Mooring Hooks for the Port of Amsterdam. Because safety is top priority for this port, they decided to sign a service and maintenance contract for these hooks and solar systems. Every 3 months our service engineers will inspect and service all systems and last month we performed the first maintenance at this location.

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Load monitoring systems on Quick Release Hooks

In 2019 we installed a new project consisting of our award winning Solar power systems combined with Quick Release hook units at the Port of Hamburg. Recently we equipped each Quick Release Hook with a load cell, to measure the mooring loads on the separate hooks. The alarms set by the client, visualization and history of the mooring loads are integrated in our software platform. Once a vessel is moored to the dolphin, the actual load value of each load cell will be sent by LoRa communication. The online dashboard shows the data of the loadcells combined for each dolphin. 

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Your reliable partner for dredging equipment

The high quality of our products and the experience and service that we provide, secured our company for being one of the most solid partners and suppliers for dredging companies worldwide.

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Power buoy for Lekki Terminal Nigeria

Unloading petroleum from a ship to the oil handling storage facility onshore is a complicated process. To be able to do this, the ship can for example moor offshore and the oil can be transferred through pipelines between the offshore mooring facility and the onshore storage terminal.  

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