News & projects

Port in Africa embraces innovation with our Smart Bollard Technology

Our colleagues Maarten and Matthijs are currently at this important African port, for productive discussions regarding installing our innovative Smart Bollard technology at their port.

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Commissioning Smart Bollard project at MSC Terminal Valencia

Our engineering team was in Valencia this week for the commissioning of Smart Bollards at the terminal which is dedicated to the world’s largest container shipping company, MSC.

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Smart Bollard increases safety for moored cruise ships

High wind caused lines to break from cruise ship at port in Rome. Exactly to avoid these situations we invented the Smart Bollard!
Earlier this month, a moored cruise ship encountered difficulties due to strong winds. The bow line broke, causing the ship to drift away and the gangways to fall into the water.

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Several smart-looking projects reaching finale stage

Several interesting, challenging and smart-looking projects are reaching their final stage or are ready for shipment to various destinations all over de world: Various Quick release Mooring Hooks, Smart Bollards and Parts of bow couplings.

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PORTS'22 |Honolulu, Hawaï|18-21 September 2022

Straatman will participate as an exhibitor at PORTS'22 Conference in Honolulu, Hawaï, from 18 until 21 September 2022. At this international port and harbor development specialty conference you can learn more about our latest development and innovation: The Smart Bollard. 

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Smart Bollard in full action during storm Eunice.

Last Friday, Storm Eunice hit the Netherlands with gusts of 75 mph. With such storms there is a chance that the mooring lines will snap. This is exactly why we developed the Smart Bollard: by using our system, the actual load on the bollard can be followed real-time and the right actions on the right moments can be taken.

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Trial Smart Bollard at MSC Terminal Valencia

MSC Terminal Valencia is a terminal dedicated to the handling of containers of Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), which is the largest container shipping company in the world.
At the end of last year we were invited by MSC Terminal Valencia to discuss the replacement of their standard bollards for Smart Bollards to moor their huge container vessels. 

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