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PORTS'22 |Honolulu, Hawaï|18-21 September 2022

PORTS'22 | Honolulu, Hawaii | September 18-21, 2022

Straatman is excited to announce our participation as an exhibitor at the PORTS'22 Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, taking place from September 18 to 21, 2022. This international conference, dedicated to port and harbor development, is a prime opportunity to learn about the latest advancements and innovations in the industry.

Discover the Smart Bollard

At PORTS'22, we will showcase our newest development: the Smart Bollard. This innovative product represents a significant leap forward in mooring technology, offering enhanced safety, efficiency, and data insights for port operations. Our team will be on hand to provide detailed information and live demonstrations of the Smart Bollard, illustrating its capabilities and benefits.

We invite all attendees to visit our booth to explore how the Smart Bollard and other Straatman innovations can improve port and harbor operations. Engage with our experts, ask questions, and discover how our solutions can meet your specific needs and challenges.

Join us in Honolulu to connect with industry professionals, exchange ideas, and explore the future of port and harbor technology. We look forward to meeting you at PORTS'22 and demonstrating how Straatman's cutting-edge products can contribute to the advancement of your projects. See you there!

PORTS'22 Honolulu,Hawaii Banner

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