Ship to Shore Link Straatman LNG

What is a Ship-to-Shore Link (SSL)?

Ship-to-shore link systems are the backbone of maritime connectivity, ensuring that ships can communicate effectively with onshore facilities for navigation, safety, and operational efficiency. The Ship-Shore Link (SSL) plays therefore a pivotal role in enhancing safety during LNG transfer operations. It effectively mitigates risks associated with fires, explosions, or environmental hazards. The fundamental objective of the Ship-to-Shore Link system is to facilitate the concurrent emergency shutdown of both ship and shore plants should any abnormality arise, as detected by the ship or shore Safety Instrumented System (SIS).

Straatman's innovative SafeCom Ship-to-Shore Link stands out as a high-quality system tailored to client specifications. Recognizing the paramount importance of the ship shore link during LNG transfers, we ensure a variety of sizes and configurations of the SSL system. Moreover, we provide standby services for added reliability.

To maintain global compatibility, Straatman's SafeCom SSL is meticulously constructed in compliance with ISO 28460, ISO 20519, SIGTTO guidelines, and SGMF. This guarantees seamless integration with third-party systems that also adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. Our Ship-to-Shore Link is compatible with multiple links, including:

  • 6 pin Furukawa Fibre Optic Link
  • 37 pin Pyle Electric Link
  • 4 pin Pyle Earth Bonding
  • 6 pin Miyaki Electric Link
  • 5 pin SIGTTO Electric Link (in both Supplier and Receiver Modes)
  • 2 pin ADN Link
  • Pneumatic Link
  • ITT Cannon Link

Our SafeCom Ship-to-Shore Link has been designed using the latest industry-standard technologies. Our approach allows us to adapt and tailor our SSL system to meet your specific requirements.

Project Configuration

Straatman offers an innovative configuration suitable for FSRU or FLNG projects. This unique design incorporates two independent systems into a single cabinet. With cutting-edge technology and ample space within the SSL cabinet, we present a dedicated module featuring an HMI for the ship side and a secondary module for the shore side. Each module also includes a backup system. By integrating two independent systems into one SSL cabinet, we ensure cost efficiency for end-users.

Furthermore, our ship to shore link system is adept at transmitting crucial data like MLM, allowing operators to monitor all vital information using onboard computers.

Tailored to the project type, our Ship-to-Shore Link system includes connector boxes, hand-carried reels, fixed storage reels, and testing equipment. Drawing from our vast experience and based on project needs, we will determine the necessary components. Additionally, our offerings encompass the PABX, as well as Public and Hotline telephones.

Ship Shore Link for LNG Terminal


Our hotline telephone is crafted to be compatible with the now-obsolete Iwatsu T3 unit, ensuring effective communication with third-party hotline phones. Designed to be robust and weather-resistant, the phone is durable against harsh conditions and wear. It boasts a dual-purpose design suitable for both flush and desk mounting. Built with an integrated speaker, there's also an option for an external speaker upon request.

Reiterating its adherence to best practices, the Straatman SSL system conforms to ISO 28460, ISO 20519, SGMF, and SIGTTO guidelines. It ensures compatibility with the links outlined in the SIGTTO guidelines. Furthermore, the link between ship and shore in any specific onboard SSL system configuration can be achieved with the collaboration of the shipowner and the onboard SSL system supplier.

Hotphone Ship to Shore Link

The Straatman SafeCom SSL system is in accordance with the ISO 28460, ISO 20519, SGMF and SIGTTO guidelines. It is compatible with the links as defined in the SIGTTO guidelines. Integration with any specific configuration of the onboard SSL system will be possible with cooperation of shipowner and supplier of onboard SSL system.

Need Ship-To-Shore Link spare parts? Contact us!

We can provide spare parts like connectors for existing Ship-to-Shore Link (SSL) Systems. We are compatible with all industry-standard connectors and systems, making it easy for us to provide what you need. 

From the 6-pin MTL connector to Flemming to SIGTTO adapters to allow compatibility between the 5pin SIGTTO and Flemming systems, we can deliver all spare parts for your existing SSL.

6-pin fibre optic umbilical cable

Download our Ship-to-Shore Link catalogue for more information

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High Quality Products

Our products are designed and manufactured with attention to detail. We use the best materials and check everything to make sure you get the best.

Excellent Service Level

We’re here to help you. Our team is always ready to answer your questions and make sure you’re happy with our service.

Continuous Innovation

We always try to be better. We keep learning, improving and investing in research and development so we can give you the newest and best solutions.

Certified on Every Necessary Level

We meet all the important standards. This means our products are safe, reliable, and trustworthy.

Dedicated and Enthusiastic Team

Our team loves what they do. They work hard to meet your needs and make you happy.

We Do What We Promise

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