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Smart Bollard in full action during storm Eunice.

Smart Bollard in Full Action During Storm Eunice

Last Friday, Storm Eunice struck the Netherlands with gusts reaching 75 mph, posing a significant risk of snapping mooring lines. This extreme weather event highlighted the importance of our Smart Bollard, a system designed to monitor real-time loads on bollards and enable timely actions to ensure safety.

Real-Time Monitoring and Action

During the storm, the Smart Bollard installed in the Port of Rotterdam demonstrated its capabilities. The data displayed on the Smart Bollard dashboard provided a clear view of the loads exerted on the mooring lines throughout the storm. This real-time information allowed port authorities to take the necessary actions at critical moments, effectively managing the stress on the mooring lines and preventing potential failures.

Effective Response to Extreme Conditions

The Smart Bollard system not only tracked the loads but also showed the impact of the measures taken by the port to mitigate the storm's effects. This visibility into the system’s performance and the port’s responsive actions underscores the value of the Smart Bollard in enhancing maritime safety and operational efficiency during severe weather conditions.

By providing crucial data and insights, the Smart Bollard proves to be an essential tool for ports, helping to safeguard infrastructure and maintain operational integrity even in the face of powerful storms like Eunice.

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