6-pin fibre optic umbilical cable
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Need Ship-to-Shore Link parts? Let’s connect!

Need Ship-to-Shore Link parts? Let’s connect!

Clients often ask if we can provide spare parts like connectors for their existing Ship-to-Shore Link (SSL) systems. The answer is YES, we can!

We are compatible with all industry-standard connectors and systems, making it easy for us to provide what you need.

6-pin fibre optic umbilical cable

  •  For instance, recently we delivered a pendant with the 6-pin MTL connector for a Ship-to-Shore Link system to a client in Germany. This connector is essential for their SSL system, but a difficult connector to find, and we were happy to help them get back up and running quickly.
  •  Another example is that we provide Flemming to SIGTTO adapters to allow compatibility between the 5pin SIGTTO and Flemming systems.

Need something SSL-specific? Contact us, and we will respond immediately!

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